Old Mammoth Road Transit Survey
The Town of Mammoth Lakes and Eastern Sierra Transit Authority (ESTA) have been working to identify a replacement location for the existing Red Line/Trolley bus turnaround currently located on Club Drive, which will be removed in the near future in conjunction with the construction of Snowcreek Phase 7 ("The Lodges"). In order to maintain free public transit service to the Old Mammoth neighborhood beyond Minaret Rd, the Town is proposing to develop a bus turnaround at the intersection of Old Mammoth Road and Woodmen Street. The turnaround is proposed to function as an extension of the Red Line/Trolley, with the goal of providing consistent and reliable public transit service to the Old Mammoth neighborhood.
The Woodmen St turnaround will function as a brief bus stop only, and will not accommodate idling of buses and driver breaks. Those functions will be fulfilled at the forthcoming Community Recreation Center at Mammoth Creek Park. The stop is currently proposed to include:
- a small shelter (same as the shelter on Hillside Dr next to the Westin)
- a bike rack
- ADA-accessible pedestrian ramp
- bear-proof trash and recycling cans
- 2 parking spaces to accommodate pick-ups/drop-offs
- boulder and landscaping screening to mitigate noise and headlights.
Additional information is included in the FAQs also found on this page.